Twacks WAy-Forward

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The Way ForwardThe Journey Begins

TwAcKs WAy forward is the first part of me being able to give back to you. It took me a while to get my head round how to do this, with the way I am building TwAcK…. Paying it forward, creating kindness and being altruistic don’t necessarily find themselves as happy bed partners when it comes to sales, selling and marketing.

True that, I say. However, when all is said and done, TwAcK is about paying it forward and if I find something that I think will be of benefit to you then I will share. Not only that, without some help I would not be here today…and that’s true on many levels.

So view the post with an open mind and know that this is just another part of a journey that is ongoing and will eventually create some broader and more far-reaching help, guidance and support where it is most needed in our world.

TwAcK Was Languishing


You’ll always get full on honesty from me… I don’t see the point in being otherwise. I have another site that is more of an autobiography, or is that biography ? Anyway, it’s about me and my journey, written by me. Some fun, some serious. Just an account of how I got to be here.

Twack was languishing, no other way to put it. I knew it always had potential but I just never ‘realised’ it. Realise in the sense of actually making it happen. It turned in to one of those things that I would ‘get to’ when…long list of excuses. I’d get to it when the ‘time was right’ or ‘I had more time’ or ‘I knew what I really wanted to do with it’ and so on and so forth. You get the picture.

Basically, I just needed to pull my proverbial finger right out and get on it… much to do though. Boo hoo.

Taking Control

I’d like to believe in fate but I also know that we make much of our ‘luck’ ourselves. A job is never going to just drop into your lap, especially if you’re at home thinking “I’ll never get a job’. Call it the Law Of Attraction, if you will, or not it you think that stuff is mumbo jumbo…we all believe different things, no issue there.

Four boys

I have four sons. Eldest has been in and out of jobs ever since he left school. Still finding his feet as far as doing what he enjoys. He has stayed at it though, never afraid to try something new. Second inline to the throne is at university trying to learn their chosen vocation…again, choices… My third has had the roughest ride out of the four of them but has always been so positive…life has been cruel but it has never taken away his attitude. He also, is now working as an apprentice, maybe not in the ideal job but one where he can hone his skills.

The youngest, maybe not so much but, in his defence, he’s in his final year of school so is more focused on exams…we’ll let that one go. I’m happy that he’s focused on this.

The point is, they have all made their own luck. They haven’t sat back ‘on their laurels’ and let the world revolve and hope that something will turn up. That’s what I needed to do but it didn’t happen in the way I was expecting.

A Change Of Direction

My sister had thrown a comment at me in one of her e-mails…and it had stuck… I should do more with TwAcK, you know you can…there it was, can’t unsay it and it was true. That was last year but every now and then it would pop into my head. Maybe it was working in the background when I made some changes at the beginning of this year, who knows.

January was a time to shake things up. I was content doing what I was doing…no point in going into all that here… I was looking for another direction. I had decided to start working on computers. I had had some success over previous years, buying old ones and giving them a ‘tech face lift’…My mind made up I started to make plans.

I sold all my cars…that’s what I had been doing…putting neglected but still usable cars back on the road. Then started working towards buying a few ‘broken’ PC’s or laptops. I always enjoyed doing it. It’s the child in me. Take it apart, fix it, then try to put it back together. Most of the time you win.

A Chance Encounter

I was at my computer one morning, sifting through e-mails when I came across another one of the ‘scam’ letters. “You can buy my system and retire” blah blah blah. Normally they get deleted but for whatever reason I though I’d watch a video, you know, just to see how bizarre the deal was. I managed 10 minutes before deleting it. No idea why but I thought I would do a bit of research on the ‘successful entrepreneur’ that was going to give me his secret…turned out that the opportunity did actually exist, though the claims it made were a little exaggerated…you ‘d do well to make nay money unless you put in way more than the initial set-up cost.

As I was trawling through the Google pages I came across a ‘review’ of the deal of the century. The guy doing the review Wealthy Affiliatehad a whole site dedicated to having a look at those ‘Too good to be true’ schemes and doing a pretty good job of debunking them. I read a few and his style was fair, he didn’t just ‘slate’ them he told you why they weren’t such a good deal. Nice touch.

Then he provided a link to an opportunity that was ‘real’ and you would be able to succeed, if you put in the hard work. This was not an ‘overnight’ success recipe…you needed to be prepared to work at it over months, not days. My interest was piqued and I was abot to meet Wealthy Affiliate.

Not only was his pitch intriguing there was also the fact that if you signed up you could have two websites available to you for free…forever. Yep, you guessed it, I went for it…Before you say Duh…there was nothing to lose. Read on.

Everything In Alignment

Well, it was sort of to do with computers…wasn’t it ? I mean I was on the computer..whatever… I liked what I saw and thought it was worth having a proper look at… Remember TwAcK ?

What was the deal ? You ask….well I’m no sucker… I’ll admit, I’ve been had before…it took me a while to figure out the “All that glitters is not gold” for real. There is a saying that I came across years ago for a certain Mr. Robbins:

“Success in life is the result of good judgement.

Good judgement is the result of experience.

Experience is the result of bad judgement”

So, with a more than skeptical mind I entered into a journey that has ultimately led me here. This wasn’t meant to be a review or a ‘sell’ to you. I’m just letting you know that sometimes you get ‘a break’ and it sets into play circumstances that you couldn’t have predicted.

You know what ? It was an easy decision to make. Main thing was, there was no hard sell and no one was making any false promises. The big thing for anyone looking to join but, like me, skeptical ? It was free…you didn’t even need a credit card or bank details to get going.

In the beginning I wasn’t sure what I was looking at…that didn’t matter, my head was already starting to spin with the thought of being able to continue with TwAcK and maybe another venture to boot.

This felt like more than coincidence and I wasn’t about to discard the chance to explore. At the same time I was no longer naive enough to just take everything on face value… Well, Wealthy Affiliate gave me the perfect opportunity to see exactly what it was all about.

Wealthy Affiliate Successful Business

As it turned out, there was more to this than met the eye.

Wealthy Affiliate wasn’t just about making money, it was also about ‘Paying It Forward’ and that was right up TwAcKs street.

Enough for one post. I haven’t even introduced you to my other sites yet…but…if you’re as intrigued as I was about Wealthy Affiliate then you’re welcome to have a look at a review I wrote about it… It’s all HERE. Have a look and if your interest is piqued..sign-up for free…no catch and no strings. I shall endeavour to add yet more of the adventures of TwAcK AT WA over the coming days and weeks.

Be well.

Twack Romero

Sharing is caring!

15 thoughts on “Twacks WAy-Forward”

  1. An intriguing story and how twacks way forward is becoming all about helping others. It’s no coincidence you’ve made it this far and with your preparation, the opportunities just kept showing up for you. Truly a good match to reach your goals and to help others. It also helps to know that Wealth Affiliate was about paying it forward. I look forward to the rest of your story in the making. 

    1. Thank you ever so much Eddie, I really appreciate your kind words. Hopefully Twack will continue to grow in all the right directions and for all the right reasons. There’s so much we can do if we just stop and think. One of my favourites is about working together. You might find this article interesting. Together We All Create Kindness With Paying It Forward. Be well.

  2. I relate to your experience in getting started with Wealthy Affiliate! I did get introduced to it by a friend, but I didn’t take notice of him for a while, thinking it was another of those scammy type things, but he kept asking me if I’d looked at it yet, and eventually I trusted him and opened up the webpage he gave me. I had no idea what to do and what to “look around at” as he’d told me to do, but somehow, one thing led to another and all of a sudden, this website newbie had built 2 webpages! best thing I’ve ever done was to click on that Wealthy Affiliate link I was sent and actually look at the information presented!

  3. I’m probably in the same boat now as you were when you first came across this online community – I’ve been looking for something solid to work at from home for quite some time, but everything seems a scam to me online!

    So let me just get this straight – this Wealthy Affiliate bunch are willing to teach you the basic ropes of how to build out a business online…for free?

    There are no upsells anywhere along the way?

    1. Yep, exactly as you say. As a free starter you get the first training module and two free ‘hosted’ websites to build out as you wish. You can stay as a free member for as long as you like. After the trial period then you will lose access to some of the platforms features but you’ll still be able to work on your websites. If you’re still a free member after six months then the two free sites will be taken down to free up room on the servers. That’s still plenty of time to decide if you want to make a business and brighter future for yourself.

      Be well.

      Twack Romero.

  4. What’s interesting is that as a writer, I came across a thread last night with a user asking whether or not we can make a living writing. Literally 50% of them, at minimum, said it all had to do with luck.

    I disagreed. Because writers who believe it’s all luck are those who write stories and upload them to publishing platforms, thinking the royalties will come in without taking time to create their own luck.

    The other half of us, if that, tried to explain to them the fact if one self-publishes work they need to treat it as a business and thus, make monetary investments and put time, effort, and commitment into turning their work into a business. While it’s true only about 2% of millions of indie authors succeed, it’s also true that the 2% who do are those putting in the same amount of work and investments as any business owner, online or offline.

    Truth is, the harder we work and the more we commit ourselves to our work, the more successful and “luckier” we’ll get. If we think we can sit back and wait for it to happen, it almost never will. 

    1. Hi Todd, first off, thank you for taking the time to leave a well thought out comment. I totally agree with you. If you treat your business like a business it will pay you as one, or words to that effect, not mine I hasten to add. The finished article that we see, be that an athlete, successful business or author, is only the tip of the iceberg. It is the result of many years of training, working and sacrifice. 

      I love writing and have a couple of side projects that I will drop in and out of as time allows. They will be fulfilled over time and only as a result of the thousands of words I’m writing elsewhere. 

      If practice was easy, it wouldn’t be practice…another adage that isn’t mine…note to self, be original.

      Be well.

      Twack Romero.

  5. Loved your post Twack and at first, I wasn’t sure what Twack was. It was only at the end of the post that I realized that Twack was actually your name.

    Well done on raising four kids – not easy in this day and age, and even harder for them to find their feet now in this ever-changing world. The choices were less when I was younger.

    Glad you found Wealthy Affiliate. I have been a member for almost four years now and all I can say is Wow. This is a brilliant platform for anybody who wants to make a living online selling other peoples products. 

    Although it is hard work and ongoing work, the work is fun so I don’t mind at all.

    1. Thank you Michel for your kind words. They’ve all grown up to be very ‘individual’ which makes for some interesting interactions…yes that’s probably the best diplomatic answer. I love that you are a ‘veteran’ of the platform…a recommendation in itself. I am looking forward to the future…it’s very bright indeed. Like you say, it can be hard work but if you enjoy it then it doesn’t seem to be ‘work’ at all.

      Be well

      Twack Romero

  6. You are right, we do make our own luck.  Some believe in fate, I believe we create our future and what happens.  It is all based on our actions.  Would you agree?  And yes, wealthy affiliate sounds like a sound choice to try.  With no selling, hard pressure to join or an upfront fee, why not?  Great argument you make!

    1. Hello and yes, I totally agree. If we just sit back and wait…wait some more…and a little more…nothing will happen. Once we start actually creating and believing in ourselves, then we see some results. They may only be small to start with but if we keep on going and build up momentum then anything is possible.  Wealthy Affiliate opend a door for me and I ran through it and haven’t stopped running.

      Be well

      Twack Romero

  7. Hi Sir, I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate too, WA brings me a new life. Btw, I am so proud to you that your children have made all of their ways.

    But may I know what is “TwAcK”? Maybe you have explained in at the beginning of your website but can you tell me about that in your reply?

    Have a good day, sir. A greet from Malaysia.


    1. Hi Eden, thanks for your kind words. Twack is by definition…Whatever you want it to be. The concept has grown over time from just being able to create something out of nothing…to the acronym Together We All Create Kindness, which has now gathered up ‘Paying It Forward’ and generally trying to be better in ourselves towards other people. It can be a ‘concept’, ‘philosophy’ or ‘belief’ However you want it to be in your life.

      Be well.

      Twack Romero

  8. Well i agree that a job won’t land on your lap, or at least the job you want. Good to hear about your sons. Hope they overcome their obstacles in every step of their life.

    What i think is good mentality is that obstacles are always gonna come in front of you, in whatever position or phase you are. So this anticipation of the hardships makes the hardships easier to deal with.

    Good to read that you came unscathed by the quick rich schemes. Me too tried Wealthy Affiliate because it was free and i had nothing to lose.

    I won’t believe anyone who tells me that from Day 1 i will make money. But these scams exist because these people who believe them exist. So “all good soldiers” should do their best to try and reveal the scams at least for the people that are cautious in their decisions.

    Good to see you rolling. Have a nice day.

    1. Hey George, thank you for both your time and your kind words. You’re right in that there are many ‘shiny object’ schemes out there. The more of us that can help people at least be able to have a look at genuine opportunities and move away from the bad ones, the better. Hopefully I can incorporate more of that in my site. That’s all part of paying it forward. I did an article on just that.Together We All Create Kindness With Paying It Forward. Thanks again and be well.

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